These sharks in their following encarnations started their existance as unfired Earthan Ware Sharks for the Exhibition 'Journey's, Track Plans and Pathways at Spode 2014.
Since then these ceramic forms have been fired, glazed and genetically altered. Some of them have have become 'Wall Sharks' whilst others have become genetically transformed into a more subserviant function like pets or slaves there with the suggestion of being play things or executive toys for wealthy .
The origins for these ceramic sharks came about from coming across a 20 inch rubber shark hanging from a hook at the entrance to an open hut facing the Trent and Mersey Canal. The rubber sharks were first made around the time the film 'Jaws' came out, a film that may contributed to a portrail of sharks as purely man eating machines. Instead of revealing sharks to be far more diverse than that or exposing some of our more callus way of hunting them and disgarding their living carcases without compassion to their beings or senses.