In 2014 I was involved in a partnership that curated and exhibited a number of artworks in the exhibition 'Journeys,Track Plans and Pathways' at Spode, Stoke-on-Trent, which was supported and part funded by the Art Council, England.
I was part of a small team that selected 18 artists to exhibit in a show that took place in a number of locations in the old worksite that was once Spode. This was a beautiful location to exhibit artworks that was a pleasure to work with, I was pleased to have the chance to create new artworks including the 'Bedshark' for this show. Spode is a area full of heritage where the buildings that still hold quite a bit of semblance to there previous occupations, that rend themselves so well to artistic exhibitions.

The two images that follow on this page are of one of the un-fired Shark used in the exhibition, seated on an old work bench in Spode and a close up of 'Bed Shark' from the 'Journeys' exhibition. Both photograph's were taken by my friend Cristiana Cappelletti and I include them both because I feel they are such beautiful images that deserve to be seen by a wider audience.