These are the sporns of a beginnings and an end, twins seperated by more than their destiny's. Questions of purity, of the contaminated and laboratory experimentation are explored. Are twins the same in all manners even to being clones of each other or are they very different from each other with no links other than that of birth, no shared thoughts, no nothing other than a few shared genes.
I am a fellow twin but I feel no link what so ever with my other self. If anything happens to my brother I feel nothing and I guess nor does he feel anything in visa-versa to me. We hold very little ground in common via either shared ambitions or shared thoughts or even shared emotions to each other, our politics are not the same, no nothing seems to be the same.
We each seem to have follow different pathways little in common ground between us.
'Cold Store 2016'

Studio image by Cristiana Cappelletti.

It feels cold, my feet feel like they are being cut through the fingers. No it hurts!
These photographs were taken one wet day and to me reflected many I had had during those days!
It seemed to suit those hands to feel the bite that day cracks hurt!

'Relic 2016'
The following photographs of 'Relic' were taken by Cristiana Cappelletti. I can only but admire the skill and beauty of the way in she has photographed my artwork time and time again and feel so lucky that she my friend.